

The HTML <dt> element represents a term or a name in a <dl> definition list. A definition list is a type of list that consists of terms and their corresponding definitions. The <dt> element is used to hold the term or name, and it is typically followed by a <dd> element, which holds the corresponding definition or description.

For example, you might use a definition list to create a glossary of technical terms, with each <dt> element containing a term and each <dd> element containing its definition. Or you might use a definition list to create a list of terms and their corresponding descriptions in a FAQ page.


Here's a brief demo of how you might use the <dt> element in an HTML document:

	<dd>HyperText Markup Language is a standardized system for tagging text files to achieve font, color, graphic, and hyperlink effects on World Wide Web pages.</dd>
	<dd>Cascading Style Sheets is a style sheet language used for describing the look and formatting of a document written in HTML.</dd>
	<dd>JavaScript is a programming language that is commonly used in web development to add interactivity to websites.</dd>

As you can see, the <dt> elements contain the terms "HTML", "CSS", and "JavaScript", and the corresponding definitions are contained in the <dd> elements.


This element makes use of the global attributes.

Best Practices

  • Use the <dt> element to hold the term or name in a definition list.
  • Make sure to follow each <dt> element with a <dd> element to hold the corresponding definition or description.
  • Use the <dt> element to mark up the terms or names in a consistent and logical way.
  • Avoid using the <dt> element to mark up content that is not part of a definition list.
  • Use the <dt> element in conjunction with the <dl>, <dd>, and <dt> elements to create a well-structured definition list.
  • Use CSS to style the appearance of the definition list and the <dt> element as needed.

Accessibility Considerations

Use the <dt> element only for terms in a definition list. Do not use it for any other purpose, as this can confuse assistive technologies and make the content difficult for users to understand.

Make sure that each term in the definition list is properly associated with its corresponding definition. This can be done using the for attribute on the <dt> element and the id attribute on the <dd> element, like this:

	<dt id="term-1">Term 1</dt>
	<dd for="term-1">Definition of Term 1</dd>
	<dt id="term-2">Term 2</dt>
	<dd for="term-2">Definition of Term 2</dd>

Use clear and concise language when writing the terms in the definition list. This will make it easier for users to understand the content and will also improve the readability of the content for users with disabilities.

Consider providing additional context or explanations for terms that may be unfamiliar to some users. This can be done using the title attribute on the <dt> element or by including additional information in the definition itself.

Browser Compatibility

ChromeFirefoxSafariInternet ExplorerMicrosoft EdgeOpera