

The dd element is a part of the HTML dl (description list) element. It is used to provide a description for a preceding dt (description term) element in the description list.

The dd element typically contains one or more paragraphs, and can include other HTML elements such as links, images, and code snippets.

It is important to note that the dt and dd elements must be used together in a dl element, and the dt element must come before the dd element in the HTML source code.


	<dt>First term</dt>
	<dd>Description of the first term.</dd>
	<dt>Second term</dt>
	<dd>Description of the second term.</dd>
	<dt>Third term</dt>
	<dd>Description of the third term.</dd>

In this example, each dt element is followed by a corresponding dd element with a description of the term. The dl element acts as a container for the description list.


nowrapIndicates that the text in the dd element should not wrap onto multiple lines. This attribute is deprecated and should not be used.Yes

Best Practices

  • Always use the dd element in conjunction with the dl (description list) and dt (description term) elements. The dl element acts as a container for the description list, while the dt and dd elements are used together to provide a description for a term.
  • Use the dd element to provide a detailed description for the term that precedes it. This description can include one or more paragraphs, as well as other HTML elements such as links, images, and code snippets.
  • Make sure to include the dt element before the dd element in the HTML source code. This ensures that the description provided by the dd element is associated with the correct term.
  • Use CSS to style the dl, dt, and dd elements as needed. This allows you to customize the appearance of the description list to match your website's design.
  • Avoid using the deprecated nowrap attribute on the dd element. This attribute was used in the past to prevent text from wrapping onto multiple lines, but it is now deprecated and should not be used. Instead, use CSS to control the text wrapping behavior of the dd element.

Accessibility Considerations

When using the dd element in HTML, it is important to consider accessibility. This includes making sure that the dl (description list) and dt (description term) elements are used in conjunction with the dd element, and that the dt element comes before the dd element in the HTML source code. This ensures that the description provided by the dd element is associated with the correct term, and that assistive technologies such as screen readers can properly interpret the description list.

Additionally, the dd element should be used to provide a detailed description for the term that precedes it. This description should include enough information to give context and clarity to the term, and should be written in a clear and concise manner. It may also be helpful to include other HTML elements such as links, images, and code snippets in the description to provide additional information and enhance the accessibility of the description list.

Finally, it is important to use CSS to properly style the dl, dt, and dd elements. This can include setting the font size, color, and other styling properties to ensure that the description list is easy to read and understand for all users, including those with visual impairments.

Browser Compatibility

ChromeFirefoxSafariInternet ExplorerMicrosoft EdgeOpera