Visual Studio Code Shortcut Cheat Sheet
Action | Windows Shortcut | Mac Shortcut |
Open Command Palette | Ctrl + Shift + P | Shift + Command + P |
Go to File | Ctrl + P | Command + P |
Go to Symbol | Ctrl + Shift + O | Shift + Command + O |
Go to Definition | F12 | F12 |
Peek Definition | Alt + F12 | Option + F12 |
Go to Implementation | Ctrl + F12 | Command + F12 |
Find All References | Shift + F12 | Shift + Command + F12 |
Go to Next/Previous Error or Warning | F8/Shift + F8 | F8/Shift + F8 |
Go to Line | Ctrl + G | Command + G |
Go to Bracket | Ctrl + Shift + \ | Shift + Command + \ |
Edit Line in Place | Ctrl + Shift + L | Shift + Command + L |
Cut Line | Ctrl + L | Command + X |
Copy Line | Ctrl + C | Command + C |
Paste Line | Ctrl + V | Command + V |
Duplicate Line | Ctrl + Shift + D | Shift + Command + D |
Delete Line | Ctrl + Shift + K | Shift + Command + K |
Insert Line Above/Below | Ctrl + Enter/Shift + Enter | Command + Enter/Shift + Enter |
Select Line | Ctrl + L | Command + L |
Expand/Collapse Region | Ctrl + M, Ctrl + M | Command + M, Command + M |
Format Document | Ctrl + K, Ctrl + D | Command + K, Command + D |
Comment/Uncomment Line | Ctrl + / | Command + / |
Comment/Uncomment Block | Ctrl + Shift + / | Shift + Command + / |
Increment/Decrement Number | Ctrl + Shift + Up/Down | Shift + Command + Up/Down |
Undo/Redo | Ctrl + Z/Ctrl + Y | Command + Z/Command + Shift + Z |
Save | Ctrl + S | Command + S |
Save All | Ctrl + Shift + S | Command + Shift + S |
Close Window/File | Ctrl + W/Ctrl + F4 | Command + W/Command + W |
Open Settings | Ctrl + , | Command + , |
Open Keyboard Shortcuts | Ctrl + K, Ctrl + S | Command + K, Command + S |
Toggle Zen Mode | Ctrl + K, Z | Command + K, Z |
Toggle Full Screen | F11 | Control + Command + F |
Toggle Word Wrap | Ctrl + K, W | Command + K, W |
Toggle Minimap | Ctrl + K, M | Command + K, M |
Toggle Sidebar | Ctrl + B | Command + B |
Toggle Panel | Ctrl + J | Command + J |
Toggle Problems View | Ctrl + M, Ctrl + P | Command + M, Command + P |
Toggle Search Details | Ctrl + Shift + F | Shift + Command + F |
Zoom In/Out | Ctrl + =/- | Command + =/- |
Reset Zoom | Ctrl + 0 | Command + 0 |
Open Recent File/Folder | Ctrl + R | Command + R |
Open View | Ctrl + K, V | Command + K, V |
Open Web Accessibility | Ctrl + K, Ctrl + A | Command + K, Command + A |
Move Line Up/Down | Alt + Up/Down | Option + Up/Down |
Move Line to Top/Bottom | Ctrl + Shift + Home/End | Command + Shift + Home/End |
Move Line Up/Down and Duplicate | Ctrl + Alt + Up/Down | Option + Shift + Up/Down |
Toggle Line Comment | Ctrl + / | Command + / |
Select All Occurrences of Current Word | Ctrl + F2 | Command + F2 |
Add Cursor Above/Below | Ctrl + Alt + Up/Down | Option + Up/Down |
Add Selection to Next Find Match | Ctrl + D | Command + D |
Select All Find Matches | Ctrl + Shift + L | Shift + Command + L |
Toggle Block Comment | Ctrl + Shift + / | Shift + Command + / |
Select Current Line | Ctrl + I | Command + I |
Select Current Word | Ctrl + Shift + I | Shift + Command + I |
Select Current Paragraph | Ctrl + Shift + L | Shift + Command + L |
Multiple Cursor Editing | Ctrl + Alt + Click | Option + Click |
Split Line at Cursor | Ctrl + Shift + L | Shift + Command + L |
Jump to Matching Bracket | Ctrl + Shift + \ | Shift + Command + \ |
Wrap Selection in Brackets | Ctrl + Shift + [ | Shift + Command + [ |
Surround With... | Ctrl + K, Ctrl + S | Command + K, Command + S |
Rename Symbol | F2 | F2 |
Show References | Ctrl + Shift + F12 | Shift + Command + F12 |
Go to Declaration | Ctrl + F12 | Command + F12 |
Go to Type Definition | Ctrl + F12 | Command + F12 |
Go to Implementation | Ctrl + F12 | Command + F12 |
Go to Next/Previous Member | Ctrl + Alt + Down/Up | Option + Up/Down |
Go to Next/Previous Method | Ctrl + Alt + Down/Up | Option + Up/Down |
Go to Next/Previous Function | Ctrl + Alt + Down/Up | Option + Up/Down |
Go to Next/Previous Read Occurrence | Ctrl + Shift + Down/Up | Shift + Command + Down/Up |
Go to Next/Previous Write Occurrence | Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Down/Up | Option + Shift + Up/Down |
Go to Next/Previous Definition | Ctrl + F12 | Command + F12 |
Go to Next/Previous Reference | Ctrl + Shift + F12 | Shift + Command + F12 |
Navigate Between Editors | Ctrl + Tab | Control + Tab |
Navigate Between Editors in Group | Ctrl + 1-9 | Control + 1-9 |
Focus Left/Right/Top/Bottom Editor | Ctrl + 1/2/3/4 | Control + 1/2/3/4 |
Open New File | Ctrl + N | Command + N |
Open New Window | Ctrl + Shift + N | Shift + Command + N |
Open New Terminal | Ctrl + Shift + \ | Shift + Command + \ |
Open New Integrated Terminal | Ctrl + \ | Command + \ |
Open New Integrated Terminal (in Pane) | Ctrl + Shift + Alt + \ | Shift + Option + \ |
Open New Terminal (in Pane) | Ctrl + Alt + \ | Option + \ |
Open Terminal | Ctrl + \ | Command + \ |
Open Terminal (in Pane) | Ctrl + Alt + \ | Option + \ |
Open Terminal in Active Editor | Ctrl + Shift + Alt + \ | Shift + Option + \ |
Open Integrated Terminal in Active Editor | Ctrl + Shift + \ | Shift + Command + \ |
Open Integrated Terminal in Active Editor (in Pane) | Ctrl + Alt + Shift + \ | Option + Shift + \ |
Open File | Ctrl + O | Command + O |
Open Folder | Ctrl + K, Ctrl + O | Command + K, Command + O |