
Visual Studio Code Shortcut Cheat Sheet

ActionWindows ShortcutMac Shortcut
Open Command PaletteCtrl + Shift + PShift + Command + P
Go to FileCtrl + PCommand + P
Go to SymbolCtrl + Shift + OShift + Command + O
Go to DefinitionF12F12
Peek DefinitionAlt + F12Option + F12
Go to ImplementationCtrl + F12Command + F12
Find All ReferencesShift + F12Shift + Command + F12
Go to Next/Previous Error or WarningF8/Shift + F8F8/Shift + F8
Go to LineCtrl + GCommand + G
Go to BracketCtrl + Shift + \Shift + Command + \
Edit Line in PlaceCtrl + Shift + LShift + Command + L
Cut LineCtrl + LCommand + X
Copy LineCtrl + CCommand + C
Paste LineCtrl + VCommand + V
Duplicate LineCtrl + Shift + DShift + Command + D
Delete LineCtrl + Shift + KShift + Command + K
Insert Line Above/BelowCtrl + Enter/Shift + EnterCommand + Enter/Shift + Enter
Select LineCtrl + LCommand + L
Expand/Collapse RegionCtrl + M, Ctrl + MCommand + M, Command + M
Format DocumentCtrl + K, Ctrl + DCommand + K, Command + D
Comment/Uncomment LineCtrl + /Command + /
Comment/Uncomment BlockCtrl + Shift + /Shift + Command + /
Increment/Decrement NumberCtrl + Shift + Up/DownShift + Command + Up/Down
Undo/RedoCtrl + Z/Ctrl + YCommand + Z/Command + Shift + Z
SaveCtrl + SCommand + S
Save AllCtrl + Shift + SCommand + Shift + S
Close Window/FileCtrl + W/Ctrl + F4Command + W/Command + W
Open SettingsCtrl + ,Command + ,
Open Keyboard ShortcutsCtrl + K, Ctrl + SCommand + K, Command + S
Toggle Zen ModeCtrl + K, ZCommand + K, Z
Toggle Full ScreenF11Control + Command + F
Toggle Word WrapCtrl + K, WCommand + K, W
Toggle MinimapCtrl + K, MCommand + K, M
Toggle SidebarCtrl + BCommand + B
Toggle PanelCtrl + JCommand + J
Toggle Problems ViewCtrl + M, Ctrl + PCommand + M, Command + P
Toggle Search DetailsCtrl + Shift + FShift + Command + F
Zoom In/OutCtrl + =/-Command + =/-
Reset ZoomCtrl + 0Command + 0
Open Recent File/FolderCtrl + RCommand + R
Open ViewCtrl + K, VCommand + K, V
Open Web AccessibilityCtrl + K, Ctrl + ACommand + K, Command + A
Move Line Up/DownAlt + Up/DownOption + Up/Down
Move Line to Top/BottomCtrl + Shift + Home/EndCommand + Shift + Home/End
Move Line Up/Down and DuplicateCtrl + Alt + Up/DownOption + Shift + Up/Down
Toggle Line CommentCtrl + /Command + /
Select All Occurrences of Current WordCtrl + F2Command + F2
Add Cursor Above/BelowCtrl + Alt + Up/DownOption + Up/Down
Add Selection to Next Find MatchCtrl + DCommand + D
Select All Find MatchesCtrl + Shift + LShift + Command + L
Toggle Block CommentCtrl + Shift + /Shift + Command + /
Select Current LineCtrl + ICommand + I
Select Current WordCtrl + Shift + IShift + Command + I
Select Current ParagraphCtrl + Shift + LShift + Command + L
Multiple Cursor EditingCtrl + Alt + ClickOption + Click
Split Line at CursorCtrl + Shift + LShift + Command + L
Jump to Matching BracketCtrl + Shift + \Shift + Command + \
Wrap Selection in BracketsCtrl + Shift + [Shift + Command + [
Surround With...Ctrl + K, Ctrl + SCommand + K, Command + S
Rename SymbolF2F2
Show ReferencesCtrl + Shift + F12Shift + Command + F12
Go to DeclarationCtrl + F12Command + F12
Go to Type DefinitionCtrl + F12Command + F12
Go to ImplementationCtrl + F12Command + F12
Go to Next/Previous MemberCtrl + Alt + Down/UpOption + Up/Down
Go to Next/Previous MethodCtrl + Alt + Down/UpOption + Up/Down
Go to Next/Previous FunctionCtrl + Alt + Down/UpOption + Up/Down
Go to Next/Previous Read OccurrenceCtrl + Shift + Down/UpShift + Command + Down/Up
Go to Next/Previous Write OccurrenceCtrl + Alt + Shift + Down/UpOption + Shift + Up/Down
Go to Next/Previous DefinitionCtrl + F12Command + F12
Go to Next/Previous ReferenceCtrl + Shift + F12Shift + Command + F12
Navigate Between EditorsCtrl + TabControl + Tab
Navigate Between Editors in GroupCtrl + 1-9Control + 1-9
Focus Left/Right/Top/Bottom EditorCtrl + 1/2/3/4Control + 1/2/3/4
Open New FileCtrl + NCommand + N
Open New WindowCtrl + Shift + NShift + Command + N
Open New TerminalCtrl + Shift + \Shift + Command + \
Open New Integrated TerminalCtrl + \Command + \
Open New Integrated Terminal (in Pane)Ctrl + Shift + Alt + \Shift + Option + \
Open New Terminal (in Pane)Ctrl + Alt + \Option + \
Open TerminalCtrl + \Command + \
Open Terminal (in Pane)Ctrl + Alt + \Option + \
Open Terminal in Active EditorCtrl + Shift + Alt + \Shift + Option + \
Open Integrated Terminal in Active EditorCtrl + Shift + \Shift + Command + \
Open Integrated Terminal in Active Editor (in Pane)Ctrl + Alt + Shift + \Option + Shift + \
Open FileCtrl + OCommand + O
Open FolderCtrl + K, Ctrl + OCommand + K, Command + O
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