Git Cheat Sheet
Command | Description |
git init | Initialize a new Git repository |
git clone <repo> | Clone an existing repository |
git add <file> | Add a file to the staging area |
git commit -m "<message>" | Commit changes with a message |
git branch <name> | Create a new branch |
git checkout <branch> | Switch to a different branch |
git merge <branch> | Merge a branch into the current branch |
git pull | Pull changes from a remote repository |
git push | Push local commits to a remote repository |
git status | View the current status of the repository |
git log | View the commit history |
git reset <file> | Unstage a file |
git diff | View differences between committed versions |
git stash | Stash changes to temporarily shelve them |
git revert <commit> | Revert to a previous commit |
git tag <tagname> | Create a tag to mark a specific commit |
git fetch | Fetch changes from a remote repository without merging them |
git blame <file> | View the commit history for a file |
git cherry-pick <commit> | Apply changes from a specific commit |
git clean -f | Remove untracked files from the repository |
git rebase <branch> | Rebase the current branch onto another branch |
git submodule <repo> | Add a submodule to the repository |
git cherry-pick <commit> | Apply changes from a specific commit |
git clean -f | Remove untracked files from the repository |
git submodule <repo> | Add a submodule to the repository |
git branch -D <branch> | Delete a branch |
git branch -m <newname> | Rename a branch |
git push <remote> --delete <branch> | Delete a remote branch |
git push <remote> <branch> | Push a local branch to a remote repository |
git branch -a | List all local and remote branches |
git checkout -b <branch> | Create and switch to a new branch |
git stash list | View a list of stashes |
git stash apply | Apply the latest stash |
git stash pop | Apply the latest stash and remove it from the stash list |
git stash drop | Remove the latest stash from the stash list |
git stash clear | Remove all stashes from the stash list |
git tag -d <tagname> | Delete a tag |
git push <remote> :<branch> | Delete a remote branch |
git push <remote> --tags | Push all tags to a remote repository |
git tag -v <tagname> | Verify a tag's GPG signature |
git remote -v | List all remote repositories |
git remote add <name> <url> | Add a remote repository |
git remote rename <oldname> <newname> | Rename a remote repository |
git remote remove <name> | Remove a remote repository |
git remote set-url <name> <newurl> | Set the URL for a remote repository |
git submodule init | Initialize submodules in the repository |
git submodule update | Update submodules to the latest commit |
git submodule sync | Synchronize submodule URLs with the parent repository |
git submodule status | View the status of submodules in the repository |
git submodule deinit <repo> | Remove a submodule from the repository |
git submodule foreach <command> | Run a command in each submodule |
git submodule summary | View a summary of changes in submodules |
git config --global "<name>" | Set the user's name for Git commits |
git config --global "<email>" | Set the user's email for Git commits |
git config --global --list | View the user's Git configuration |
git config --global color.ui auto | Enable color output for Git |
git config --global core.editor "<editor>" | Set the default text editor for Git |
git config --global alias.<alias> "<command>" | Set an alias for a Git command |
git config --global --unset <key> | Unset a Git configuration value |
git config --global --replace-all <key> "<value>" | Replace all instances of a Git configuration value |
git config --global credential.helper "<helper>" | Set a credential helper for Git |
git config --global push.default simple | Set the default push behavior for Git |
git config --global merge.conflictstyle diff3 | Set the default merge conflict style for Git |